Through the Addressing the Labour Market Gap engagements, the BC Chamber of Commerce heard clearly the need for increasing human resource education for micro and small businesses.
We have designed a Human Resource Toolkit with the unique needs of these employers in mind. This toolkit can serve as the first place in filling your HR needs and can help you access other HR-related resources to meet the needs of your growing business. Topics covered in the toolkit include how to write a great job description, top questions to ask in an interview, considerations when exploring job-sharing, and so much more! Most of all, the tool kit offers where to access quality help when you need it, no matter how small your business or where you are located.
Join us to learn more about these resources and hear insights directly from the HR professionals that contributed to the toolkit. The live Q&A with the panelists offers a unique opportunity to ask questions about the HR-related needs of your business.
Key Learnings:
ZenMer Consulting and Faculty, Business Administration at BCIT
More Information