Meeting Overview
The BC Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite members in the Kootenays region to participate in a virtual roundtable event with the Honourable Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation.
Regional roundtables are held on a semi-annual basis with the minister to allow members to provide insights and updates on key local and regional issues. It is a great opportunity for Executives (or their delegates) to advocate on priority issues, ask questions and engage directly in collaborative dialogue with a key member of the provincial cabinet.
To allow for maximum engagement by as many members as possible, attendance at the roundtables is limited to one representative per chamber of commerce/board of trade.
Attendance and participation is entirely voluntary. The sessions are NOT recorded and therefore allow for candid discussion between the provincial Network and the ministry. Following the call to order by chair, Fiona Famulak, and opening comments from the minister, the majority of the roundtable session is dedicated towards discussion of issues that are important to members.
We are excited for members to participate in their respective regional roundtable and look forward to scheduling more regional sessions as dates in the minister's schedule can be secured.
A pre-planning meeting will take place in advance of the roundtable with Minister Bailey on Friday, September 8, 11.30am-12.00pm. A meeting invite for both sessions will be distributed in advance.